Tom Kelsey FRSM is a Professor Health Data Science at the University of St Andrews. He is Scientific Director of the Wallace-Kelsey Research Foundation, which conducts data-driven research into the late effects of treatment on survivors of childhood cancer. He is noted for his work in AI search, population-based studies and data-driven modelling in endocrinology and physiology. He serves on the board of the NHS Scotland Managed Services Network for Children and Young People with Cancer.
He received a B.Sc. degree in mathematics from Heriot-Watt University, an M.Sc. in numerical analysis from the University of Dundee and a Ph.D. degree in computational mathematics from the University of St Andrews, where he continues to work. He has held visiting research positions at the Universidad de la República (Uruguay), The University of Copenhagen (Denmark) and Imperial College (England). He has published over 80 papers, in journals such as The Lancet Oncology, The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology and The European Journal of Cancer. He is an Associate Editor for Human Reproduction Update and Frontiers Endocrinology.